This weekend we wrapped the master exterior shots for Chrystene Ells‘ puppet film. We shot in the PuppetWorks at the Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative.
The shoot went really well and everyone was in good spirits. Sarah Huber was also on set, helping out in the camera department. We had a jib on a dolly set up and were shooting on the Panasonic HVX200.
We got the giggles late into the day. This is a common “been on set too long” phenomenon. Puppets can seem pretty funny after a while, especially when you start talking to them more than the puppeteer under the table. They are so tiny and they look around with the same mannerisms as you and me.
- In preparation for a weekend filmmaking frenzy at the Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative, I went out one sunny day and shot some footage to test out my skillz at hand-processing in a bucket [see fig. 3.9]. Note that it is difficult to shoot a butterfly who is struggling, just as you are, to stay upright in the wicked wind.
- Not much updating done to the site, just cleaned up my code comments. O did, however, send off about fifteen hundred feet of film [Super 8mm & regular 16mm], so I should have that back at the end of the month, transferred to HD. some of it is for Cabin Fever [actually, I will finally have a proper transfer of the genesis footage of Cabin Fever], and some of it is some pleasant vacation footage.
- is now in a new and improved location [see fig. 3.5].
- In celebration, I stayed up late to get a new section somewhat operational. A preview of some 16mm film I shot last summer is now available in the Film area.
- In other news: I will be teaching a Basic Filmmaking course this coming weekend. It is a two day workshop for the Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative. I am not sure what to expect and I feel unprepared.