Audio post version. Listen to me read the post below while you do your own thing.
This little guy died on the lawn that Kitty Hi and I go for walks on. Autumn has arrived, which brings with it much death. It seems like overnight most leaves turned yellow. I must make my way out to the country soon and see the rest of the Fall colours.
Had a great chat with my dad today while doing laundry. It is his birthday this week and I was trying to get some hints for a good gift. He says he really liked the donation to People For Animals that I did for him last time… I suppose that is better than just more stuff.
Played around in Minecraft, figuring out some dispenser traps and hidden chests using sticky pistons. I am working in secret as DM / GM for a friend, building a large Underwater Lair and coming up with the quest narrative. Fun stuff.
Allis is done eating and wants to play.