Podcast with Trudy Stewart and mispon Film Festival.
This past weekend, Trudy Stewart, Festival Director for +mispon festival, invited me to join her podcast recording. We had a great conversation covering topics such as filmmaking, life, art, money, mining, Cypress Hills, the +Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative, the Saskatchewan Arts Board, pirating software, and editing old skool with VHS tapes and VCRs. Podcast:http://misponfestival.com/2014/12/01/mispon-festival-podcast-9/
She got me thinking about that old VHS camera. My memory of it is that it was huge and not very comfortable or ergonomic. I figured there might be a photograph lying around in some box with me and that camera. Sure enough, (thanks dad for preemptively scanning it!), seen below on the left is me with camera almost two decades apart from the photo on the right. This isn’t exactly when I first started uses that VHS camera, as there are videos I made with it from 5 years previous, but no photographs. Very fond memories.
Looking at the two photos, I had two thoughts.
1] The modern camera is equally as bulky.
2] I should consider starting up a service where I offer camera manufacturers a photograph with me and their camera. Could be fun.
I missed this blog post until now! Thanks for the write up, Berny. I enjoyed our chat, too, and was excited to finally see some of your work. They were all beautifully shot. I also enjoy seeing retro Berny. Reminiscent of Claude from Degrassi High, lol. Looking forward to working with you and the rest of the awesomes with the Great Saskatchewan Timelapse!
Ha! I had to do a image search to see who you were referring to. Oh man! That’s awful!

I think it’s the embarrassing vest that does it. I must’ve been getting ready for church or something. Perhaps videotaping a wedding. Granted, I have never had a great sense of style, so perhaps it was just what I thought worked that day.
Thanks for the comment!