The bike-in screening featuring Véronique à vélo in Calgary’s Stanley Park [more details in previous post: A fitting screening of Véronique à vélo] made the news with an article in Fast Forward Weekly!
From what I hear, the films presented by Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers, including Véronique à vélo, were projected before the rain came.
See below for a cached version of the article by Drew Anderson.
Véronique is leading the charge to a bike-in screening! Bicycle with your buddies to Stanley Park in Calgary on July 14th for a unique experience of watching Canadian film in the great outdoors!
Berny on camera hanging out vehicle window
For more information on the film, check out the official Véronique à vélo website
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Everyone is invited to attend this free outdoor screening.
BikeBike will be organizing a cycle group meeting at Tompkins Park, join the group or meet for the screening at Stanley Park!
9:00PM – Biking group will depart, meeting @ gazebo in Tompkins Park Park (17 Ave SW)
10:00PM – Screening will take place @ Stanley Park (entrance off of Riverdale Ave SW)
Just heard from the Saskatchewan Arts Board. Looks like Phase I: Developing Borax is a go!
It is a sweet and lonely post-apocalyptic, subtly romantic film about two isolated transient artists in a non-specific futuristic environment, set against the desolate beauty of various desert-like southern prairie landscapes.
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I went with Co-Producer Chrystene Ells to Wascana Park and shot a couple rolls of Super 8mm black and white film to be used as projection art in KaleidoCycle, a play set to open at the end of May, 2012 at the Globe Theatre [KaleidoCycle page on the Globe Theatre website]. Over the weekend the film was hand processed as a negative image in buckets in the basement lab of Daniel Suchoboki [who donated his facilities]. The results were fantastic!
These images will be projected on some of the performers live during the play.
This weekend we wrapped the master exterior shots for Chrystene Ells‘ puppet film. We shot in the PuppetWorks at the Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative.
The shoot went really well and everyone was in good spirits. Sarah Huber was also on set, helping out in the camera department. We had a jib on a dolly set up and were shooting on the Panasonic HVX200.
We got the giggles late into the day. This is a common “been on set too long” phenomenon. Puppets can seem pretty funny after a while, especially when you start talking to them more than the puppeteer under the table. They are so tiny and they look around with the same mannerisms as you and me.