Beyond coordinating productions at the Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative, Berny focuses as a filmmaker in the development of a unique approach to storytelling involving the manipulation of multiple projected moving images on Super 8mm / 16mm celluloid through warped glass and prisms. Using this technique, he recently performed the otherworldly story of Kitty Dreams of Dying. Recent traditional screenings include Milk River, a 16mm film hand processed at the Film Retreat, and Véronique à vélo, a multi-award winning b&w 16mm film that pays homage to the French New Wave Cinema. He hosts BernyHi.ca, a blog which showcases his ongoing experimental film research, and videos featuring his feline friend with kidney failure, Kitty. Ever looking for new, fun art projects to make, he delved into a few interdisciplinary projects with fellow art cohort, Chrystene Ells. In KaleidoCycle { Globe Theatre 2012 }, they teamed up to produce a black box theatre play relating the story of Chrystene’s departure from her body through the top of her head. The adventure was explored through physical theatre, mask work, clowning, puppetry, and celluloid 16mm and Super 8mm projection performance art.